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martes, 2 de octubre de 2012


Santiago de Cali June 28 de 2012

Barack Hussein Obama II
President of the United States of America
Washintong D.C.

Dear President,

Let me tell you my story because it is the story of a humble, respectful but a rebellious Colombian Afro-descendant that betting on the future for himself and for his countrymen ran the risk to the ungrateful but honorable task for undertaking a purpose that lastly is what allows us which  were not born,  covered with the names of illustrious linages,not by heavenly creation but by the false belief of a superior race, to fight by entirely employing an ideological, and right way against all those ones that never take in mind how are really the unequal and social conditions that most of Colombians live, situations which are not tolerated in the modern world. I do or did policy, dear president.
Because in the most ignominious, unmerciful, judicial and mediatic persecution carried out against a human being, not even worthy of an animal that a Colombian has never suffered in this country and which was the cause of the decease of my mother and wife, it only on account of his new form of doing politic, I was convicted by a justice, still respecting its decisions as always has been my custom, let to be subrogated by those that on feeling orphan of the regional command in the Valle del Cauca, shamelessly moved their evil influence without any evidence and with an entanglement of judgment plagued of doubts about a lot of felonies directing me based they all on an enclosed of false testimonies in order to truncate my politic career.

And nevertheless the insulting and inexplicable sentence  that I expired with the budgets that the justice imposes and when a Judge of the republic grants the freedom for me in a few of hours the District Attorney’s Office of my country obeying the interest of the government of the President Juan Manuel Santos in cohabitation with the white and oligarchical class of  Departament of Valle del Cauca and attending  the version of a guilty who does part of the group that the government is strongly combating and who already  was condemned for extorting  other  politicians threatening to mount false accusations which today do me in an aberrant judicial decision expedites an order of capture as it seems to me nothing more as a stratagem to take me out of  Departament of Valle del Cauca given  that when I write this letter only missing three days for the additional elections to elect the government of  Departament  of Valle it also product of the plundering that was objective point Hector Fabio Useche who was chosen by the popular people from which I come into life in the first election which  were won by this candidat in a frank fight but not tolerated by the caduceus white class of this region.

When I was near of finishing this writing the ELITE as to ensure that the LIST, I insist upon the list related to the popular people in these elections to a working which justly was conformed to be far from  fraud because of the immense effort of this ELITE for getting the government of the Valle del Cauca at all cost in one of its greatest and depraved power that of the false positive, president Santos felt upon the entire judicial , political and mediatic power and  with an evil sagacity to make see the labor of a team of electoral shield as a purpose of fraud, circunstances   was to develop  endlessly undermined by the National Register of the Civil Status Carlos Ariel Sánchez and his advisers in the sence of  asserting flatly that the activity to be developed by this electoral team would result innocuous and anodyne with the presumption to put on practice a fraud in these elections such as the racist and classist government of president Santos and his mediatic dittos of this country try to make believe  it to the  people in general.

I am not complaining and my writing must not be intended as a pitiful, dear president. I always realized that the purpose had both senses, as social as altruist but an ungrateful frowned upon by those that imposed their minds upon the establishment, aim only for talking about how rotten is the politic without taking into consideration that their politic attitude only balances the forbidden messages sent by these elites to keep the spirit and minds the figure of a status quo from which ALL IS WELL.

Dear president the true in Colombia is really different, that is to say, it is other, not even close to reach it, that according to Aristotelian  doctrine which says among other things, that society is divided between free and slave men, I should continue in the mangroves and low tides of my depths and majestic pacific  ocean off the green and fertile wilderness that enchants and fantasy but with unsatisfied basic necessarily , but not sir president Barack Hussein Obama II, the idea of having water and sewer provide basic sanitation to our communities  to talk about ways  in which  I was born is neither more nor less than a pipe dream , a chimera illusory product of the  disdain with which all governments since I have memory, look at us, and that the only mention  drinking water is equal as when our Nobel has relation to Aureliano Buendía,  and the trip with his father  to see ice in one hundred years of solitude, is dear president what encouraged me to launch the city of NO MORE, to remove once and the atavistic criterion fester in our minds elites deciduous that guide education in my country and I began to establish other class of doing politics, and  with the firm decision  that if we are to continue loading bricks are those of our own homes and if we have to change tires, which are those of our own cars, it  brings into mind Troya or Ilion, dear president, when some gentlemen  with honey tongued behaviors and perfumed necks, with unconcealed pretensions of feudal lord for politics were missing their leading roles for doing decisions about public affairs in this region , and their parents huge profits that were promised this  and to be stolen by its recurring losses and setback in the polls , took as usual whining and whimpering go in attitude to their peers, the riches the elite, white and fascinated owners  of means  from there with their footmen try to overshadow initiatives and popular aspiration fairs, deserved, legal and constitutionally permissible for those born under the basic.

But without boasting i say dear president, for that reason, my quest is still alive in the soul  and spirit of men  and women, regardless of color, creed or conditions, today exultant, rushing the worthy purpose face unafraid the ignoble labor of a declining oligarchy pretending by any way to outshine, not only to me but to any who dares to follow my honest  purpose it is not other the idea than trying to submerge humble and popular expressions without illustrious names.

This letter does not have different interest dear president but very respectfully  to ask you that my claim and my story give you the real idea how is the true  life of a lot of black Colombians, especially all the things happened to my person.

Disqualifications and balances that our people achievements and aspirations put those elites are of regular occurrence dear president. It is infinitely easier to see the superlative hate that the Colombian elite feels for us, our race and for our form of conceiving the politic.

Dear president if you have listened to my story and you help us some day you would be able to see a Colombia free of all this dark shade planted by those believing in the earth superior race and still more if you intercede immediately, I am sure all these   prejudices will be put out of order, what is more, if you remember your epitome in the primary of New Hampshire, YES, WE CAN.

Yours Very Truly

Juan Carlos Martínez Sinisterra
Former-Senator of the Republic of Colombia

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